Building Nests

Posted on October 18, 2011

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Building Nests

The Word: “And the things you have prepared, whose will they be?”

— Luke 12:20, NRSV

Reflection:  Have you ever heard someone say “That’s quite a nest your building for yourself” or “I’ll have a nice little nest egg when I retire”?  Funny thing about those analogies is that they are not true analogies. Birds build nests to protect their young, to propagate the species, not for the parent’s gratification. Birds do not build nests for their own comfort or safety. All the work and skill and risk are to protect and nurture the next generation, to perpetuate the species. The lesson learned from birds and their nests is not how well we should plan for our future, but how well we should plan for the growth of future generations. What is important is that we “feed the souls and nourish the spirits, and sustain the steps” of those new to the faith and those not yet part of the Church. What is needed is that we provide the extra care and attention to nurture the budding faith of young people through teaching, planning, commitment, mentoring and support.  Practicing Extravagant Generosity means building nests for others, not ourselves. How does our church show generosity to others and share the grace of God that we have received? What more can we do to “build nests” for future generations?

Pray: Almighty God, who provides all that we have and will ever need, give us an open heart to see where You are calling us to build nests for your people in our church, our community and your world. Amen

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