Why is Pentecost the Birthday of the Church?

Posted on May 21, 2012

This Sunday is a special day of celebration for our church.  It is called the day of Pentecost, which means “fiftieth day.”  Pentecost was a Jewish feast of harvest that occurred the fiftieth day after Passover.  The feast was at the time when the first ears of the corn crop were gathered and the people thanked God for providing for their needs.

But, something wonderful happened on the Pentecost after Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension to Heaven.  Here is the story of how it all began.

The Bible tells us that on that day of Pentecost, about 120 of Jesus’ followers were all gathered together in one place and God sent the Holy Spirit to give them the power to teach others about Jesus.  Now, they couldn’t see the Holy Spirit, so how did they know the Holy Spirit was there?

The Bible says that they knew the Holy Spirit was there because they could hear the sound of a mighty rushing wind coming from heaven.  They couldn’t see the Holy Spirit, but they could hear the sound of the wind.

Then the Bible tells us that they saw what seemed to be flaming tongues of fire that came and rested on their heads.  They couldn’t see the Holy Spirit, but they knew that the Holy Spirit was there because they could see the flaming tongues of fire.

Finally, the Bible tells us that they knew the Holy Spirit was there because they could feel his power.  When they were filled with the Holy Spirit, he gave them the ability to speak in languages that they didn’t even know, so that they could tell everyone about Jesus.  They couldn’t see the Holy Spirit, but they could feel his power in their life.

Out in the streets, Peter preached his first sermon to foreigners visiting Jerusalem.  Even though the people were from different lands, they all heard Peter’s sermon in their own language.  When he was through, about 3000 people were saved!

Pentecost commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus.  For this reason, Pentecost is sometimes described as the “Birthday of the Church.”

The Holy Spirit is still with us today.  We can’t see him, but we can hear him as he speaks to our hearts, we can see his moving in our life, and we can feel the power of his presence as he guides us through each day.

Categories: Faith Learns, Pres Press | Tags:

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1 Comment

  1. by Chuck Davidson

    On May 25, 2012

    Thank you for this history lesson; and wear ‘red’ on Sunday.

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