Presbyterian Women Zip Trips
On February 20th the PWS Circles will be zipping to Galveston for a self-guided tour of the Tree Sculptures. After Hurricane Ike so many large trees were killed, mostly from salt water that artists from around Texas
came and carved the remains into some wonderful and inspiring sculptures. After the tour we will be lunching at one of the restaurants areas. Reservations are not required, but requested. We will meet at the church at 9:30 AM to caravan to Galveston.
On March 20th the PWS Circles will zip to the Hill Country for a tour of the famous Painted Churches of Texas. The cost is $10 each plus lunch and tip to the docent tour guide. We will go in cars and caravan, if you
would like to attend but do not wish to drive rides will be available. Please let me know if you will drive and how many additional people you can take in your vehicle or if you need a ride. We will meet at the church at 9:15 AM and leave at 9:30 AM and return between 3 PM and 4 PM.
All are welcome! Requests for transportation need to be in by March 1st.
– Sarah Dikeman