The Colors of Lent

Posted on March 1, 2013

Lent is a time of renewal and transformation. As we march forward on our “In the Wild” journey towards Easter, we continue to prepare ourselves using various colors of Lent.

This third week of Lent, let’s think about the color White, which represents Responsible Stewardship, Justice and Peace.

Obviously, we have yet to fulfill our responsibilities as faithful stewards. A White Lent helps focus on these responsibilities.

A White Lent is the time to focus on using the earth wisely, not misusing and abusing our natural resources. We must begin to look beyond today and this place and our present wants.

A White Lent is the time to work for justice. It is a time to reunite peoples by taking down the hostile barriers that we ourselves have put up.

A White Lent is the time to work for peace so that we do not become irresponsible stewards.

A White Lent is the time to assume the responsibility that world peace and preservation begin with each one of us. It is a time to determine if what we give to the church is a sacrificial gift or just a gift we give like paying a bill.

O Prince of Peace and Lord of Justice, be with me as I travel “into the wild”. When I see the purity of the color White, remind me to remember the things you taught on how to be just, peaceful and a responsible steward. Amen.

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