Peacemaking Offering
Peacemaking Offering Throughout the year, the PC (U.S.A.) takes up four special offerings: One Great Hour of Sharing, The Pentecost Offering, The Christmas Joy Offering, and the Peacemaking Offering.
On Sunday Oct 5th, in addition to celebrating World Communion Sunday, we will take up the Peacemaking Offering. 50% of this offering will go to PC(U.S.A.) World Mission for international mission endeavors, 25% will go to New Covenant Presbytery for area mission endeavors, and 25% will be kept by SBPC to be given to a particular local benevolence. The mission team has decided to give our 25% to the West Side Homeless Partnership. Let us give freely to this offering which enables the church to address systems of injustice in our community, in our city, and across the world!