Update on VBS
by Marguerite Priest, VBS Director
Vacation Bible School started on Monday with 101 children. A little on the hectic side as we got everyone organized and into the groove, but it was great!
The devotional thought for Tuesday was: “God is at the center of each celebration, just like God is at the center of our lives and the celebrations in our lives. God wants us to give blessings as well as receive them. Today let us remember that simple things can be great – a smile, a ‘well done’ or ‘good job’, a please and a thank you. Dear LORD, thank you for the many blessings
we have. Thank you for your guidance and the opportunity to share your love during this day’s VBS activities. Work through us today as we give to your children. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Tuesday was wonderful plus we added one more child. We began at a calmer, less frantic pace and proceeded through morning with fun, music and frolic. Each of the leaders and volunteers have been amazing! We are such a fortunate church to have so many talented individuals willing and able to give to our children and the children of the community.
Tuesday’s message to the children was about giving happily to God. This message was truly brought home to me by one of the families attending VBS. The children are here with their mother visiting the mother’s father and stepmother and her younger sister. The young mother is recently separated from their father and things have been difficult for them. They live in another state and their trip was planned specifically so that they could attend OUR VBS. The grandparents are not members of this church but heard of our program, called and then made their plans to join us. GOD is certainly working in this situation! Praise be to our GOD who is in the details of our lives.
The devotional for Wednesday is from the Gospel of John 14:1 (it is also the Bible Bite). “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in GOD, believe also in me.” Dear GOD, thank you for giving us the opportunity to introduce children and their families to your Son, Jesus. Be with each of us this day, in word and deed, that we show what it means to fully believe in you. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.