Sunday, April 23rd: “A Burning Heart?”
Good Morning,
Join us on Sunday at 9:30 and 10:50 for Sunday School and Worship. Our Guest Pastor for Sunday morning is Rev. Tim Phillips! Tim was ordained at St. Andrew’s in Houston in 1992, as associate pastor. He also worked presbytery-wide with immigrant Latino pastors and their churches. Due to Houston’s exploding multicultural demographics, he helped churches explore the opportunities for transitioning to multicultural church. He joined InterVarsity staff as a validated ministry, working at community colleges and UH Clear Lake, with undergrads and faculty. Since mid-2020, he has been studying the role of the Spirit in the life and ministry of Jesus and the early Church. Q: Why do many Christians seem to be hesitant (ignorant?) about the power of the Spirit? A: —–? He has two adult children, a daughter working with at-risk youth in Beirut, Lebanon, and a son working in the greater Houston area with horses and their riders in dressage.
You can access the direct link for the April 23rd Worship Service stream here:
Attached below is the Bulletin for Sunday.
Blessings, Spring Branch Presbyterian Church