Spring Branch Presbyterian Church Rotating Header Image

Adult Discipleship

Adult Education includes several opportunities for adults to study and explore their faith. Click here to request more information. There are 2 on-going Adult Sunday School Classes (see Sunday School) on Sunday mornings, plus periodic Special Interest Classes which may be on Sunday or sometime during the week. We also have active Presbyterian Women’s groups and a Presbyterian Men’s Group.  Scroll down for more information.

Adult Sunday School Classes

All classes are from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Explorers’ Class – Conference Room, Room #101 – Led by Linda Crawford, Matt Dikeman, and Jim Kunkel

Saints Under Construction Bible Study – Gathering Place Classroom #2  – Led by Patti Nanney

Pastor’s Bible Study

Pastor Mark has begun facilitating a Zoom Bible Study on the Gospel of Luke on Thursdays at 1:00 PM. The Zoom information is available HERE if you are interested in giving it a try over your lunch hour. If you wish to receive the Zoom invite every week, please email Mark to get on his list.

Special Topics

Periodically we have short-term studies for special interest.  Sometimes they meet on Sunday morning, sometimes during the week.  A special study this year during Lent focused on end of life issues, such as what happens when we die, medical, legal, burial, and funeral considerations. Check the church calendar and latest news for coming topics.

Presbyterian Women

The church has one circle which meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 9:30 a.m., sometimes in homes and sometimes at the church.  There is another night circle, the Unwind Circle, which usually meets the 3rd Monday of the month at a local restaurant.  The PW involves the women in Bible study, fellowship, mission, and service.  Click here for more information.

Bible Study — The 2024-2025 study will use the Horizons’ curriculum Let Justice Roll Down, by Patricia K. Tull.

Fellowship — In addition to the fellowship enjoyed at Circle meetings, the women plan various outings on the 3rd Wednesday morning of the month as well as some outings on other days of the month.

Mission – The PW sponsor a mission fund to support church women with scholarships and emergency needs as well as supporting the Presbyterian Children’s Home and Services (PCHAS) through donations, birthday cards, care packages, and other donation items.

Service – To raise funds for their mission, they hold Mission Soup Dinners as well as other activities.   Also, the 4th Wednesday at 9:30 a.m., women meet to stuff heart shaped pillows which are donated through Common Threads (a community based group) to hospitalized patients. Members also knit, crochet, or sew items on their own time that are donated.

Leadership – Our PW officers/moderators are not elected but are all volunteers every year, stepping up to take the positions needed for whatever, whenever, however

Presbyterian Men

The men meet the 3rd Saturday of the month at 8:00 a.m.  in the Conference Room of the Education Building for Bible Study. Click here for information.

Mission and Service — They help sponsor various aspects of the Boy Scout Troop by hosting Wednesday Night Supper Valentine’s Day.


At various times throughout the year, we join the generations of the church family in study and celebration.  Some recent events have included:

  • Catch the Spirit – lots of fishing games and quizzes to start the school year.
  • Advent Party – lots of games and crafts interlaced with great hors d’oeuvres
  • Christmas Carol Games – Using clues and short bits of the tune, we realized how familiar we are with our traditional Christmas carols.
  • Young and old alike explored what Sabbath means to them by playing a “Click Clack” game


We have a church library with many Bible study resources which are available for check out.  In addition here are some on-line resources that you might find helpful: Click Here

Other Faith Development Opportunities:

Watch the monthly PresPress, weekly church-wide emails, and the worship bulletin for other opportunities throughout the year. It may be a short-term Special Topic or book discussions on Sunday mornings, a week night book study, or retreat.


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Service Times & Directions

Weekend Masses in English

Saturday Morning: 8:00 am

Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm

Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:45 am,
12:30 pm, 5:30 pm

Weekend Masses In Español

Saturday Vigil: 6:15pm

Sunday: 9:00am, 7:15pm

Weekday Morning Masses

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 8:30 am

6654 Main Street
Wonderland, AK 45202
(513) 555-7856