Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Worship Service
You are invited to attend our Candlelight Communion Christmas Eve service on Friday evening at 6:00 PM in the Sanctuary. Hot chocolate and cookies will be served at 5:30 PM in the Breezeway.
The service will be streamed live to the SBPC YouTube channel. You can access the direct link for the Christmas Eve service here: A copy of the Bulletin will be available prior to Friday evening.

The Worship Team has decided to move forward with having our Christmas Eve service in the Sanctuary. With the recent surge in COVID-19 cases throughout Harris County and the expected higher attended worship service, we are strongly encouraging everyone to wear masks for our Christmas Eve service on Friday.
In an effort to make the Christmas Eve service available to everyone and their comfort level, we will be offering an outdoor viewing option of our streamed worship service. The location and size of the screen will be determined after we hear from those who would like to Worship with us in that way. If you would prefer to participate outside, please respond to this email by Friday at 11:00 AM so that arrangements for the screen can be made.
We will collect the Christmas Joy Offering at our Christmas Eve service on Friday. The Christmas Joy Offering supports current and retired church workers and their families with critical financial needs and makes it possible for students to learn and grow in faith at Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color. Please make your checks payable to “SBPC” and write “Christmas Joy Offering” in the memo line.

If you ordered poinsettias, don’t forget to take them home with you after the service concludes!
Blessings, Spring Branch Presbyterian Church