Sunday, August 6th: “Come and See”
Good Morning,
Returning as our Guest Pastor this morning is Rev. Callie Candee! I’m an ordained minister of Word & Sacrament in PC (USA). Attended APTS, received my MDIV in 2006. Completed 1 year of CPE (clinical pastoral education), and am a board certified chaplain. I’ve served as a chaplain for 16 years @ St. Joseph hospital in College Station, St. Luke’s in Houston and now in St. Luke’s in the Woodlands. I enjoy being semi- retired, walking, reading, and spending time with our family. I’m married 35 years to Brian; we have 3 grown sons, and 2 wonderful grandchildren.
You can access the direct link for the August 6th Worship Service stream here:

Attached below is the Bulletin for Sunday.
Blessings, Spring Branch Presbyterian Church