Education Beyond the Walls
FALL 2013 lectures & WORKSHOPS
Learn how to use art for ministry. This hands-on “art for the non-artist” workshop teaches you how to use basic art techniques as part of your ministry—whether it is Sunday School, youth group, local and global mission and evangelism, worship, VBS, 12-step recovery groups like Al-Anon and Celebrate Recovery, or for special services of worship like Ash Wednesday, Taizé, and Way of the Cross.
This workshop is designed for ministers, Christian educators, small group leaders, youth ministers, and mission team leaders. No art experience necessary.
In Partnership with Seminary of the Southwest
Take the first step toward becoming more inclusive of people across different cultures. You will practice communicating respectfully across differences; develop greater self-awareness and recognize your own cultural formation; learn to understand power dynamics; and study scripture from multiple cultural perspectives.
For pastors, preachers, ministers, church leaders, small group leaders, youth ministers, teachers, new church developers, church planters—persons in positions of influence in their communities or congregations, who want to move past the cultural isolation of many groups of Christians.
The Gospel is proclaimed in many ways, but the human voice still makes the Word of God come alive. One of the best ways to prepare for the Advent season is to speak the words of the Bible aloud. Whether for personal devotion or public worship, engaging the texts orally brings new depth of insight and understanding.
This seminar combines speech communication, worship, and theology in an in-depth look at the lectionary texts for the Advent season. This is a full participation event—we will practice and proclaim together to explore the texts and the overall tone of the Advent season. An excellent way to prepare for Advent, brush up on presiding in worship, and work with the Scripture.
In Partnership with SCRAPCE
Many churches are finding the need to change the way they worship – whether it is because of declining attendance, changing demographics, or the desire to be more innovative. Learn how to plan for and lead transition confidently. This workshop will help you:
- Evaluate your current form of worship as well as continue assessment of changes to worship.
- Explore what it means to worship intergenerationally and how it benefits the church.
- Experience elements of intergenerational worship.
- Share resources and ideas for practical and innovative changes any church can implement.
For Christian educators, pastors, and worship leaders and planners of any denomination.
In Partnership with Association of Presbyterian Tentmakers
Build community with people who want to do pastoral ministry and… something else. Learn how to tell your vocational story so that other people will be inspired. Decode the structures that impact non-traditional ways of being in ministry. Meet people who are making it happen.
ELLIPSIS is for long-time tentmakers, bi-vocational pastors, seminary students, and all those who want to help create new stories of serving God in ministry.
November 9 | $15, la comida y cena están incluidas
This workshop will be taught in Spanish.
En este día de educación teológica, participantes y líderes de iglesias Latinas explorarán el poder transformador de los milagros de Dios, realizados por Jesucristo en medio de la escasez y la abundancia de la frontera del Imperio Romano y el Reino de Dios. Reflexionaremos en el significado de vivir la manifestación de los milagros de Dios en las luchas cotidianas de los hispanos nativos y nuevos inmigrantes en la zona fronteriza de Estados Unidos. Examinaremos los milagros a la luz del contexto histórico y cultural del Imperio Romano, para entender su trascendencia como manifestaciones del Reino de Dios proclamado por Jesucristo en los Evangelios.
Este taller será impartido en Español.
To learn more about Education Beyond the Walls events, visit our Web site.
Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary
100 E. 27th Street, Austin, TX 78705