Guest Preacher
Our guest preacher on Sunday, January 1st is Cameron Highsmith. Cameron obtained his Masters of Divinity from San Francisco Theological Seminary, graduating in May of 2014. Cameron started serving as Director of Spiritual Care for Prayers Of the People (POP) in January of 2016. Currently, Cameron is a candidate, certified and ready for his first call, in the PC(USA). Cameron is originally from Batesville, Arkansas. He graduated with a Bachelor of the Arts in Political Science from Westminster College, Missouri in 2005. After completing his undergraduate education, he served for two years as a Youth Development Volunteer with the United States Peace Corps, Ukraine. Cameron and his wife, Heather, married and moved to Houston in June of 2014. Heather is a Pediatric Infectious Disease Fellow at Texas Children’s Hospital. When not providing pulpit-supply for Houston-area churches, Cameron worships and attends St. Philip Presbyterian Church, where Heather is a member.