Houston Presbyterian Cursillo, Apr. 28-May 1
Presbyterian Cursillo is a purposefully designed method for renewing the faith of individuals and, through the individuals, the environments in which they live and work.
“Cursillo” (pronounced cur-see-oh) means a short course in living the Christian faith. It is designed to provide a framework for the development and renewal of Christians in the local church and in the world.
This is a 3-day, 3-night retreat, to be held at Texas Baptist Encampment in Palacios. HPC session 64 will be offered April 28-May 1. Arrive at 5 pm Thursday and finish by 5 pm on Sunday.
For more information about the Cursillo program, please visit: www.houstoncursillo.org
For details on the location, visit www.texasbaptistencampment.org