How does God react to disobedience?
by Patti Nanney
Through discipline parents help to shape their children to understand and behave as they should. But, what happens when a child disobeys a parent? What happens to adults when they disobey speed laws, our employers, or any other rule?
Some of us disobey the rules so frequently we don’t think much of it. God, however, thinks about disobedience a lot.
In Matthew 5:29-30, in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says it is better to lose one of your members than for the whole body to go to hell.
When one person sins, does it affect others?
This Sunday the Saints Under Construction class will look at how God reacts to disobedience of the Israelites after they entered the Promised Land. Join us at 9:30am in Room #2 in The Gathering Place.