Sunday, September 3rd: “Learning to Take a Look From a New Perspective”
Good Morning,
Our Guest Pastor on Sunday is Rev. G. Todd Williams! G. Todd Williams attended Indiana University, Bloomington, received his Masters of Divinity Degree from Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, and is ordained in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). He completed his Clinical Pastoral Education at M D Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, and later, worked as a chaplain in the Heart and Vascular Center with the Memorial Hermann hospital system. Prior to becoming a Hospice Chaplain at Essential Hospice, Webster, TX, he was a Chaplain with Houston Hospice, Houston, TX. Most recently, he served as the Stated Supply at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Galveston, TX. He is the author of the book, “Remember Me When” (Chalice Press, 2021) and contributor to the book “Let Us Pray, Reformed Prayers for Christian Worship” (John Knox, 2000). He was awarded the Todd Brackovitch Peace Fellowship Award by the Christian Church (DOC) Peace Fellowship in 2005, for the work he was doing with the homeless teens in Montrose and later brought to the attention of the nomadic habits of homeless teens along the I10 highway route. He is married to Quincy, and they have two grown children, as well as three grandchildren.
You can access the direct link for the September 3rd Worship Service stream here:

Attached below is the Bulletin for Sunday.
Blessings, Spring Branch Presbyterian Church