Mission Of The Month
Spring Branch Presbyterian Church established the Academy in 1971 to meet the community’s need for quality childcare and preschool education. The Academy is our primary mission, providing loving, Christian childcare to the youngest members of our community. The Academy currently has 219 kids and 43 faculty and staff members.
The Academy is governed by a six member board. Currently, Neal Dikeman, Ashley Powell, Jan Fitts, Carla Pace, Jim Kunkel and Jorida Vakiari serve on the board. We are excited that Lee Dudinsky and Lauren Tacchi will be rotating on as our newest board members in June!
Our congratulations go to Assistant Director, Nikki Childs, for earning her Director’s License. We are so proud of her for attending classes and putting in the work to do this! Nikki has lovingly helped to care for our Academy children since 2007.
March Mission Updates & Opportunities
Family Movie Night – Our next movie night will be on April 4th in The Gathering Place at 6:00pm. We will be watching the movie, Ooops! Noah is Gone… Please feel free to bring a camping chair or blanket to sit on during the movie. We hope you will join us for fun and pizza, too!
Blood Drive – A big thank you to Ashley Powell for helping coordinate the February 16th event. Also thank you to all who donate for this wonderful cause. We had a total of 6 whole blood and 3 double reds for a total of 12 units donated!
Feed My Starving Children – A group of 26 SBPC volunteers and Girl Scouts from Troop 124182 helped to pack meals at the Pines Presbyterian Church Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) MobilePack™ event on Saturday, February 22nd! During our shift, we packed enough boxes of food to provide 33,000 meals for hungry children around the world. There was a job for everyone – we had runners, packers, labelers, weighers, scoopers, and more. From the youngest to the oldest, there was something suitable for everyone’s abilities. If you didn’t volunteer this time around, keep it in mind for next year! We all had a great time.
PCHAS Christmas Ornament Tree – We collected a total of $653 total in donations, including $253 from our basketball men alone!