Seafarers Center
One of our favorite ministries at Spring Branch Presbyterian is the Seafarers Center. The Houston International Seafarers Centers host seafarers from around the world who dock at terminals in the Houston Ship Channel.
There are about 20-25 seafarers working on each ship that docks in the port of Houston. These men and women may have a 9 month contract before they get to go home. When at Port, they are very busy and may not even have enough time to get off the ship. When they can get off, they may have only a few hours. Seafarers depend a great deal on the services of the Seafarers Centers and the Chaplains that work there when they have personal, family, work, spiritual and faith issues.
Dave Wells, one of the chaplains at the Seafarer’s Center writes:
“Often we joke and laugh, and sometimes as we talk, their eyes fill with tears and sadness. Seafarers are so hungry for conversation and have learned that the Chaplain may be their only opportunity for a personal interchange. I never know what question or issue may come up in the conversations. I am always watching to see each individual’s need as I engage in conversation. I try to show a spirit of hospitality and service so that they might feel the opportunity to receive Christ’s care, grace, and love.”
You can read more about the Seafarers Center here:
Want to help?
Start collecting toiletries, playing cards, hotel soaps, postcards, new socks, pens & pencils, small games, hard candies, and other items that you might appreciate on a long trip at sea. We’ll have collection boxes available in November, then join us as we pack care packages to help make Christmas bright for these hard working men and women from around the globe!