
Dear Members and Friends of Spring Branch Presbyterian Church:
As we enter this season of stewardship, we invite you to reflect on our shared mission and the unique calling we have as a community of faith. This year, our theme—Ignite the Passion, Spark the Connection, Kindle the Flame—reminds us of the vital role each of us plays in nurturing our church and extending God’s love into the world.
In Acts, we see the early church ignited by the Holy Spirit, boldly proclaiming the message of love and grace. Just as they were empowered to share the good news, we too are called to ignite our community with the light of Christ. Each of us has a role to play in the ministry of this church.
Ignite the Passion: God has gifted each of us with unique passions and talents, igniting a fire within our hearts to serve God and our neighbors. In all of our ministries, we are called to embrace this passion and share it with others. Your contributions fuel and shape the spirit of our congregation. Let us encourage one another to find and fan the flames of our individual and collective gifts.
Spark the Connection: We are the church together, and relationships matter. As we gather in worship, fellowship, and ministry, we spark connections that deepen our faith and strengthen our relationships. Each conversation and each shared experience creates a web of support that binds us closer to one another and to God. This year, let’s make a conscious effort to reach out—inviting friends and creating spaces for meaningful interactions. Your involvement makes a difference in building a vibrant, welcoming community.
Kindle the Flame: As we nurture our faith and relationships, we also kindle the flame of hope in our world. Through the different ministries this church offers, we have the opportunity to extend that flame beyond our walls and out into our community. Your generosity empowers us to serve our community and share the love of Christ with everyone.
We invite you to join us in this stewardship journey. A pledge card and a time and talents pledge are enclosed. These two different pledge cards reflect your personal commitment to igniting the spirit within our church. We encourage you to pray about your response and consider how you can contribute to our shared vision. Your commitment not only supports our church but also fuels the work of God’s kingdom in our midst. Please bring your pledge cards to worship on Sunday, November 24th, Dedication Sunday.
Together, let us ignite our passions, spark our connections, and kindle the flames of faith and love that burn brightly within us. Thank you for walking alongside us as a part of Spring Branch Presbyterian Church.
Rev. Mark Plunkett and Rev. Savannah Goodman
Pledge Cards can be submitted to Church Business Administrator, Jorida Vakiari at any point during the year.
If you would like to contact our Stewardship Chair to donate in any way to our church or missions, please send an email to or send a message using this form.