Sunday, April 21st
Good Morning,
Our Guest Pastor on Sunday is Rev. Cindy Mood. She has always been Presbyterian, but that hasn’t stopped her from dabbling in many other denominations. Currently, she is serving as the Director of Membership and Learning at Memorial Drive United Methodist Church. She grew up in Kansas, the granddaughter of a PCUSA minister and a clinical psychologist. While in college, she pursued her passions and graduated with degrees in Philosophy, Religion, and Psychology. She moved south for grad school and graduated in 2015 with her Master of Divinity from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary and Master of Science of Social Work from UT Austin. Her daughter, Lena, was 6 weeks old when they moved to Houston in 2019. Her son, Cyrus, was born during the great Texas freeze three years ago. Her husband, Charles, has joined her journey of twists and turns.
Every week, the service will be streamed live to the SBPC YouTube channel and Facebook page. You can access the direct link for the April 21st Worship Service stream here:

Attached below is the Bulletin for Sunday.
Blessings, Spring Branch Presbyterian Church