The Colors of Lent

Posted on February 13, 2013

Lent begins with Ash Wednesday and continues for the next forty days (excluding Sundays).

Our theme of “In the Wild” this Lenten season helps us to remember how Jesus prayed and fasted in the wilderness before beginning his ministry.  Just as Jesus prepared his heart and his head for the journey of his ministry, Lent calls us to venture into the wild to prepare our own hearts and heads.  We might call this reflection and repentance, but we could call it soul-searching and taking stock.

As we ready for our Lenten journey towards the joy of Easter, we will prepare ourselves using various colors of Lent.  This first week of Lent, let’s think about the color Green, which represents the Virtue of Hope.

Hope gets us going on our journey from the faith of today to eternal life with the Lord.  Hope sees us through the difficult times of our lives.

Without a doubt, we need hope to fight against complacency and stagnation in our lives.  How easy it is to fall into a comfortable rut and watch the world go by!  Unfortunately, living in ruts gives us a distorted perception of life, and cuts us off from understanding, compassion or love.

Hope helps us persevere on our journey, not only when the world is against us but also when the world ignores us.  Hope supports us, not only when we fall flat on our face in failure, but also when our feet are stuck firmly in the mud of mediocrity.

It tells us  that we are never too old to learn, to change, to begin again, to grow.


As we journey through this season of Lent,  each time we see the color Green, remind us to pray for hope to support us and encourage us on our journey.  May we know that God is with us in every  moment, helping us to choose what is right.   Amen.

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