The Colors of Lent

Posted on February 22, 2013

As we continue our “In the Wild” journey this Lenten season, we continue to prepare ourselves using various colors of Lent. This second week of Lent, let’s think about the color Gold, which represents Gratitude and Generosity.

Gold!  The very word is synonymous with treasure and wealth.  God is abundant in our lives, for each of us has been blessed by God with gifts.  But we don’t always appreciate our wealth or recognize it.  We take many of our gifts for granted, and we waste many others.

A Gold Lent is a time to become aware of God’s generosity.  We have an opportunity to express gratitude for our blessings, blessings we often recognize only when we are in danger of losing them or when they are gone.  These blessings are indications of God’s love for us, and they are given to us to use, to enjoy, and to help us serve one another.

A heart filled with gratitude has no room for pride.  A life filled with activities that recognize our mutual dependence cannot be self-centered.  A person who appreciates the contributions of generations past will respond with generosity to present and future generations.

As we concentrate on this virtue of gratitude and testify to its presence in our lives through our generosity, it is consoling to remember that we can never “outgive” God.


Remind me, dear Lord, as we journey through this Lenten season, to be thankful and generous each time I see the color Gold.  Thank you for providing me with my daily needs and for giving the ultimate gift in Jesus Christ.  Teach me to serve You as you deserve and increase my opportunities to be generous to others.  Amen.

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