Sunday, February 28th: “Purple Daze, Part 2: The True Meaning of the Cross”

Posted on February 27, 2021

Good Morning, 

SBPC will hold in-person Sunday School and Worship tomorrow morning at 9:30 and 10:50, respectively. If you would like to attend Worship and/or Sunday School, you will need to register. By registering, you are agreeing to follow the guidelines set forth for a safe return, primarily, wearing a mask at all times while indoors. Those guidelines are available at

You can register for Worship and Sunday School by using the form at the following link: You may also register via email to Please submit all reservations by 8:00 PM this evening. 

We are asking everyone to consider wearing purple each Sunday in Lent, whether you are worshiping in-person or virtually. 

Before Leaving Home  

Prior to coming to Sunday School or to worship, please ask yourself these questions. If any of your answers to the questions are “yes”, please stay home. You can join Sunday School via Zoom (The Explorers will offer Zoom for their class and Saints Under Construction for those choosing to participate from home); and worship via live stream! 

  • Have you or any person with whom you live, experienced any of the following symptoms of COVID-19 or any of these situations in the preceding 72 hours?
    • Fever of 100.4°F or higher, new or worsening cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, vomiting or diarrhea
    • In the last 14 days, have you been in direct contact with someone currently positive for COVID-19?
    • Have you, or someone with whom you live recently been tested and received the results?  Were any of the results positive? 
    • Are you, or someone with whom you live with awaiting COVID-19 test results?

The Explorers Class will meet in the Fellowship Hall and the Saints Under Construction Class will meet in the Conference Room. 

In an effort to continue practicing social distancing, as well as for those worshiping at home, attached is our Bulletin for tomorrow morning. We kindly ask that you print copies for you and your family, or you can follow along on a smartphone. There will be a few copies on hand for those unable to do so. We will also be utilizing the screens, so you may find that you do not need a bulletin. If you bring or receive a Bulletin, please take it with you to keep or to dispose of properly upon arriving at home. 

Every week, the service will be streamed live to the SBPC YouTube Channel. You can access the direct link for the February 28th Worship Service stream here:

Going Deeper:

1.  Have you ever seen a true act of love, a selfless deed done in true kindness?  If so, describe what it looked like.   What can that experience teach you about Christ’s love for us?

2.  Jesus tells us that we need to deny self, which he also calls taking up our cross. Prayerfully consider what selfish thing or practice God might be calling you to give up during this season of Lent in order to truly follow Christ.  If possible, share with a friend and hold each other accountable between now and Easter.

3.  In verse 32 we are told that Jesus spoke of his atoning death very openly.  This week, keep a journal.  Each evening, review your day focusing on the question of when you have faithfully and openly been a witness to Christ’s love, and when you may have been “ashamed of Christ” (v.38) Then, in thanksgiving, as Christ to fulfill the good news through you.  Keep a record of the ways in which Christ answers that prayer.

The Time For Young Disciples will be a part of our Worship Service tomorrow morning. After the service concludes, the video will be available on our Facebook and YouTube pages. 

Blessings, Spring Branch Presbyterian Church

Categories: Faith Learns, Pastoral Corner, Pres Press, Serving Our Community | Tags:

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