Welcome Rev. Kristin Galle
Welcome Rev. Kristin Galle! Sunday is Kristin’s first Sunday with us! As an interim minister, she works with churches during times of transition as they prepare to call their next installed minister. She has served congregations with the PC(USA), Disciples of Christ and Lutherans (ELCA). She holds a B.A. in Religion and Literature from St. Edward’s University in Austin, an M.Div. from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary and is pursuing a Doctor of Ministry degree at Brite Divinity School in Ft. Worth. She spent a January term studying with the World Council of Churches in Geneva, Switzerland and loves inter-faith dialogue. She is married to Rev. Dr. Brent Hampton, pastor of Brenham Presbyterian Church. They have three daughters. Kristin loves wildflowers, cooking, games, travel, music and movies. There will be a welcome reception immediately following worship in the breezeway!