Who protects you?

Posted on June 20, 2011

by Patti Nanney

This past Sunday the “Saints Under Construction” class looked at that question and several others as we looked at how faith, courage, trust and fear played a role in God protecting the Israelites as they were about to attack the city of Jericho.

Why would a prostitute of the city of Jericho help two Israelite spies to destroy her city?
Why would the two Israelite spies choose to go to this prostitute’s house in the first place?
Why would the prostitute lie to the king of Jericho to save the spies?
Why did the two spies trust the prostitute to protect them?
Why did the Israelite leader trust the prostitute and agree to protect her?
How does God use others to help protect us or us to help protect others?

This next Sunday we will look at another big question:  why does God use the destruction of Jericho for the benefit of God’s people?

Join us every Sunday morning at 9:30am in Room 2 of The Gathering Place.

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