Fourth Sunday in Lent, March 19th: “Who Will Shepherd Us?”
Good Morning,
Join us on Sunday at 9:30 and 10:50 for Sunday School and Worship.
Our Guest Pastor for Sunday morning is Pastor Sebastian Lopez. My name is Sebastian Lopez, I have been married for 10 years this May to my amazing wife Carol, and we have three kids, Eloisa 6, Daniel 4, Arianna 2. I am originally from New Jersey and my wife is from Colombia. My mother is Colombian, and my father is Argentinian. I love to barbeque, love soccer, I also Coach my kid’s U-6 team and U-12 soccer teams for Houston Dutch Lions. I am a chef by trade, but now I serve as a fulltime pastor at our church. I have been pastoring churches for the last 15 years. I spent a year in the Philippines, 10 years in Australia in several cities, and for the last four years, we have been church planting in Houston, specifically in the neighborhood of Spring Branch. I am currently studying to get my M.Div at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, hopefully I will graduate December 2023. I Love to serve, love to serve the youth, and our vision as a church in CENTI is to preach the gospel to the next generation.
You can access the direct link for the March 19th Worship Service stream here:
Attached below is the Bulletin for Sunday.

Blessings, Spring Branch Presbyterian Church